Vega is a "nearby star," being only 25.3 light years from Earth. It is notable for the fact that Earth's astronomers have discovered the existence of planetoid masses around this star. (Earth's closest stellar neighbor, Alpha Centauri is 4.39 light-years away and is the former home of the planet Rann. Polaris, now home to Rann and Thanagar, is 431 light years away.) In the DC Universe, Vega does indeed teem with life, whiche began eons ago.
The First Vegans
The Guardians of the Universe created Vega's first sentient inhabitants, the Psions. These former lizards were left on the Guardians' homeword of Malthus after they departed for Oa. As the Psions evolved, they sought constantly to emulate their creators in scientific achievement. (Ashamed of their savage origins, a Psion's tail is removed at birth.) When finally the Psions found their creators on Oa, the Guardians were appalled by the Psions' experiments. The Guardians mandated that the Psions should be banished to the Vegan sector of space to attempt to achieve their own greatness. For as long as the Guardians remained in power (until the first great Crisis), the Psions would be limited to only this small corner of the universe. It was there, in the Vegan star system, that their experiments would define the evolution of life. (OM 30)
Though 25 planets circled Vega, only two contained sentient life. These worlds were polar opposites: Okaara, the utopian, technologically advanced society; and Branx Emana home to primal savages. It was X'Hal, the gracious Okaaran who first greeted the Branx warriors. She was their host but soon became their prisoner. (Legends that X'Hal's was a warrior are false, the product of generations of storytelling.) The Psions were curious to find out which trait would be dominant if they bred an Okaaran with a Branx. They met with continual failure until finally discovering an inhibiting force within the Branx. Inside each warrior, the Psions discovered an "angel," a spirit of reincarnation which rose out of the dead and returned to animate the newly-born. The Psions successfully cleaved one of these angels from its Branx host, sending the being screaming into the void. This creature would later be known as the diplomat and Omegan, Nimbus. Once freed of its symbiote, the Branx was successfully mated with X'Hal. It is unknown whether these angels are still a part of the Branx race.
X'Hal gave birth to twins, one humanoid like herself, the other a black skinned monster. Shortly thereafter, X'Hal and her "mate" killed each other in a prisoners' rage. The Psions panicked; the twins needed a mother for their experiment to continue. They bombarded X'Hal with regenerative energies in an attempt to revive her. Return she did, with vigor. The energies gave her near omnipotent powers. She annihilated her captors, their lab, and the moon surrounding it, and returned to Okaara with her sons. There she was hailed as a goddess and her human son, Lambien, assimilated easily into peaceful Okaaran society. (OM 7)
The Citadel
Lambien's brother, however, having inherited the Branx's violent disposition, was a source of constant strife. He introduced the arts of war to Okaaran society, spawning those who would one day become the revered Warlords of Okaara. Their entire society grew more warlike and in time they developed nuclear weapons which destroyed the planet's surface. Over one million years before life began on other Vegan planets, this former utopia became a dead world. Some Okaarans went underground, others migrated to other Vegan worlds. This migration, coupled with the Psions' continued experimentation, resulted in the evolution of a multitude of Vegan races. (ToNTT 4)
X'Hal's evil son was banished from Okaara. He returned to the Psions' former laboratory world and built a fortress by reassembling the fragments of its moon into a ringed citadel. This "First Citadeller" would in time clone himself into an imperfect but powerful army. Many years later, he began to anticipate his mortality. To attain godlike immortality like his brother, he would eventually implant his consciousness into the very heart of the Citadel's computer core: the Complex-Complex. (OM 7)
The ruling family of Tamaran was one of the Citadel's early targets. There, King Korithus led his people in a hopeless battle and perished along with his sons, Korthus and Scrithus. When their mother, Talathus, was taken into slavery, only their son Mythus (later Myand'r) was left to rule Tamaran. In departing, Talathus urged Mythus to make whatever sacrifices necessary to save Tamaran from total destruction. (NTT 15)
X'Hal was enraged that the Okaarans had exiled her son, and destroyed three of Vega's 25 planets. This shocking display prompted a mobilization of Okaaran forces. Only after the sacrifices of hundreds of warriors was X'Hal finally contained. For their own safety, her worshippers now also became her jailers. Before her incarceration, X'Hal imparted Lambien with some of her powers. (NTT 25)
The Rebellion & Great Wars
At the "Siege of Alaran," Citadel forces are responsible for the death of Tigorr's wife, Ghanna. (GL 143)
For the right girl, the world of Raggashoon can bring money and power. Young Harpis and Demonia of Aello seek just that. Though Demonia is concerned only with power, Harpis fast becomes a favorite among visiting soldiers. Among others, she beds Tigorr, a commander in the Great Wars. It is Delengis (one of Tigorr's men), however, who ultimately captures her heart. Their romance is cut brutally short when the evil Komand'r comes to call. Komand'r singles out Harpis and others for genetic alteration. Mama's girls will be custom-designed for Komand'r's lieutenants. Demonia is also selected but unlike her sister is elated at the results. For three years, Harpis travels alongside her new mate. Ultimately, fate brings them to Tamaran and a clash with Tigorr's band of rebels. When she spots her former love, Delengis, leaps into battle alongside the rebels. When they are defeated, she and Demonia are jailed as well. (OM 11)
One planet would remain almost untouched by the Citadel's scourge. On Euphorix, the young inventor Alonzo Dulak has devised a force field technology which he brings before X'Hal on Okaara. The goddess is impressed and imbues his invention with some of her own power, in hopes that one of Vega's worlds would survive the coming wars. (OM 15)
The Omega Men
The Prison Planet begins to swell with captives. There the charismatic Primus meets the powerful Tigorr. Their combined leadership initiates a revolt, and 200 Citadel prisoners are freed. Despite this small victory, five times that number remain imprisoned; during their escape, over 70 more of them die. (Harpis believes her lover, Delengis, has also perished.) Among the escapees, X'Hal's son Lambien later sacrifices himself to ensure the Omegans' safe passage to Earth. Regarded as a god, Lambien becomes a martyr to the Omega Men, who safeguard his essence in hopes of his revival. The surviving Omegans arrive on Earth in Newfoundland, where they establish a base from which to plan their revenge. (GL 142)
A slave for years, the young Princess Koriand'r of Tamaran finally seizes her opportunity to escape. Traveling aboard the Gordanian slave ship Q'st'r, she slays her captors and flees in a shuttle ship towards Earth. The journey from the Vegan world of Hnyxx will take three months. On Earth, the young empath called Raven assembles a team of young heroes whom she one day hopes will defeat her father, Trigon. Raven alerts the Titans to Koriand'r's arrival and they twice battle the Gordanians for her freedom. The Gordanians leave her behind, vowing that the Citadel will later send a warfleet. (NTT 1)
When the Earth man Hal Jordan (Green Lantern) is laid off from Ferris Aircraft, he and his girlfriend Carol Ferris take a vacation in Newfoundland. There, they are discovered by Harpis, who returns with a warning to the Omega Men's hidden city. There, Primus reveals the obscured shape of "him," an Omegan who they hope will heal in time to help them return home. After an unsuccessful disguised attempt to divert Hal and Carol, they reveal themselves to the Earth couple. Though Broot, Tigorr, Demonia and Harpis disagree with Primus' decision to let them live, Harpis defends Primus' leadership abilities. Nonetheless, Demonia threatens to disobey orders and kill Hal and Carol. (GL 141)
Primus forcibly stops Demonia from killing the Earthlings as Nimbus backs him up, claiming to have encountered a Green Lantern before (see Notes). In disgust, Tigorr makes known his own aspirations to lead the Omega Men. Just as the Omegans are finally found by the Gordanians, the remaining power of Lambien evolves in the powerful being Auron. Auron claims that he is not Lambien, but a reincarnation of his power. (GL 142)
From Vega, the Complex-Complex directs the Gordanians to reform into a robotic giant. But Auron (claiming to have been reincarnated by X'Hal herself to become her personal destroyer) and Green Lantern propel the Omegan's to victory over the Gordanians. At the conclusion, a Citadel commander expresses heightened anger towards the planet Earth for harboring not only the Omegans, but also the renegade Princess Koriand'r. After a long six months, Primus finally vows to get the Omegans home and face the Citadel. (GL 143)
Unable to find Green Lantern (who has been banished to space for a year), the Omega Men seek out Superman for help to return home. Instead they find that the Man of Steel has been abducted and vow once again to put the needs of others ahead of their own. In the battle, Kalista is struck by a gun, but comments that it's effects are "rather limited" on her Vegan physiology. (Action 535)
Despite the protests of others, Primus agrees to try to help Superman regain half of his stolen powers. Once accomplished, Superman takes the Omega Men aboard the Justice League satellite, where he furnishes them with fuel and a ship to return home. Just then, Superman notices the New Teen Titan called Raven appear in space outside the satellite; he draws her inside. (Action 536)
Previously — also on Earth — the Citadel has sent the evil Komand'r to Earth in search of her escaped sister Koriand'r. She sends the Gordanians to make her powers go awry, and she is thus captured. To pursue them, the Titans enlist Aqualad to retrieve the ship in which Kory came to Earth. However, Komand'r's forces quickly spit the Titans into space, left to their death. It is there that Raven envelops them in her soul self and Superman brings them aboard the JLA satellite. (NTT 23)
Primus is surprised to hear of Princess Koriand'r, whom the Omegans had believed dead. Again he pledges the Omega Men's support, agreeing to transport the Titans to Vega to rescue her. This meets with the increased protests from Tigorr and Demonia. Raven correctly deduces "Demonia would betray us." At the Citadel homeworld, Komand'r is received by revered Lord Damyn, the high chieftain who led the raid on Euphorix, exiled X'Hal and conquered all other Vegan worlds. With some Psions in his service, he hatches a plan to kidnap X'Hal. Meanwhile, the Omega Men decide to seek help from the Warlords of Okaara. They are accompanied by Auron, who once on Okaara, pleads with his mother to kill him. Held captive by the Warlords, the goddess refuses his plea and instead uses him as her vengeful tool and destroys the incoming Citadel force. Changeling takes the form of a Gordanian to try to find Starfire. (NTT 24)
The Omega Men recount the origins of X'Hal to the Titans: how she was imprisoned by the Warlords so that her worshippers are safe from her wrath. X'Hal ultimately gives herself over to the Citadel to save her homeworld of Okaara from destruction. And Demonia secretly allies herself with the Citadel just as Komand'r kills Lord Damyn, claims his position, and captures the Titans. (NTT 25)
In rage, Koriand'r temporarily breaks free, but the sisters are separated by the Citadel officials. They mandate that the two must duel to the death. If Komand'r wins, she will command the Citadel; if Koriand'r wins, Tamaran will be spared the Citadel's wrath. In the end, it is Komand'r appears to perish. But unbeknownst to the sisters, a Psion double agent has planted a trigger within each of them. Upon their deaths, 300 quake bombs will detonate throughout Vega. X'Hal quickly intervenes and destroys all the bombs then disappears, leaving her son, Auron, free from her influence. Demonia's betrayal is never discovered and she walks away alongside the Omega Men. For the first time in years, Koriand'r is reunited with her family on Tamaran, but decides to return to Earth with the Titans. (NTTANN 1)
Following her apparent death, Komand'r is rescued by a Tamaranean named Dor'ion. The near-death incident left her blind and shaken to the core, and without the will to live. Dor'ion gradually brings her back to herself. He trains her in combat not to rely on her gradually-returning sight and convinces her that Tamaran needs a leader who will fight for their freedom. When at last he reawakens her killer instincts, he makes the ultimate payment; in her blind haste, she kills him with a starbolt before realizing it was he. His death solidifies her resolve to lead Tamaran. (NTT 16)
Around this time, while battle rages on the world of Slagg, the Spittroid Shlagen first encounters Omega Men. They believe that he has come seeking their help, when in fact he had been running away. (OM 19)