Other aliases: (current) None, (former) Dr. Kellogg; (when her "Danvers" personality was dominant) Carol Danvers, Ace
Identity: Secret
Occupation: (current) Adventurer, (former) Terrorist
Legal status: Citizen of the United States with no criminal record
Place of birth: Caldecott County, Mississippi
Marital status: Single
Known relatives: Mystique (unofficial foster mother), Nightcrawler (foster mother's son)
Base of operations: (current) Xavier Institute, Salem Center, Westchester County, New York State, (former) X-Men headquarters, Australian outback; the Savage Land
Group affiliation: (current) X-Men, (former) Brotherhood of Evil Mutants III
First appearance: AVENGERS ANNUAL #10
History: Rogue's real name and the identities of her parents still remain unknown. She grew up in Caldecott County, Mississippi near the banks of the Mississippi River. Early in her teens Rogue discovered her mutant powers when she kissed a boy named Cody Robbins. He fell unconscious and her mind was suddenly filled with his memories. She soon learned that she had the power to absorb the memories and abilities of other people by touching them, but she could not control this power.
As a member of Mystique's Brotherhood, Rogue battled the X-Men, the Avengers, the original Spider-Woman, the Dazzler, and Rom. But Rogue grew increasingly upset over her inability to control her absorption power and her fears that Danvers' psyche would overwhelm her own. Unable to find help from the Brotherhood, Rogue turned to her enemies, the X-Men, instead. Convinced of her sincerity, Professor Xavier admitted her to the team, and she quickly proved herself a loyal member.
Except for some temporary absences, Rogue has remained a member of the X-Men ever since. She has never gained conscious control of her absorption power, but her passage through the mystic "Siege Perilous" rid her of Danvers' personality.
During a period she spent in the prehistoric Savage Land while the X-Men were temporarily disbanded, Rogue grew close to the X-Men's then reformed foe Magneto. They broke up when Magneto returned to his life of terrorism. After returning to the X-Men Rogue fell in love with their new member, Gambit. Recently, however, they have grown apart, and it remains to be seen if they will renew their relationship.
Height: 5 ft. 8 in.
Weight: 120 lbs.
Eyes: Green
Hair: Brown with white streak
Strength level: Superhuman Class 50
Flight speed: Subsonic
Known superhuman powers: Rogue possesses the superhuman ability to absorb the memories, knowledge, talents, personality, and physical abilities (whether superhuman or not) of another human being (or members of some sentient alien races) through physical contact of her skin with the skin of the other person. (Sometimes she also duplicates in herself outward physical characteristics of her victim.) The victim's abilities and memories are absorbed for a time sixty times longer than the amount of time Rogue was in physical contact with that person. The victim loses his or her abilities and memories for exactly the length of time that Rogue possesses them. Due to unknown factors Rogue has permanently absorbed certain superhuman powers from Ms. Marvel I.
When Rogue possessed a duplicate of Carol Danvers' psyche, her "double" consciousness gave her high resistance to telepathic probes; it is not known if she still possesses this resistance.
Special limitations: Rogue cannot touch another human being without temporarily absorbing that person's memories, abilities, and superhuman powers (if any) and rendering him or her unconscious. Remnants of the personalities of victims whose memories she has absorbed remain buried in her subconscious indefinitely. Certain powerful beings have proven resistant to Rogue's power.
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